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This lab contains a reflected XSS vulnerability with some whitelisted tags, but all events and anchor href attributes are blocked.. To solve the lab, perform a cross-site scripting attack that injects a vector that, when clicked, calls the alert function. Note that you need to label your vector with the word "Click" in order to induce the simulated lab user to click your vector. For example: <a href="">Click me</a>

--> So here i tried many payloads like image or img with src and some payloads from brutelogic but none of them worked :(

And then i found that we can change the attribute value for any tag with animate tag so i made one payload with this tag:

<svg><a><animate attributeName=href values=javascript:alert(1) /><text x=20 y=20>Click me</text></a>

--> The above payload will create an svg. inside that there is a anchor tag which contains animate tag. There is a property for animate tag which is attributeName which allows us to control the value of it's parent's attribute value. So here we are using href as attributeName and to change it's value we use values attribute. So here i have changed it to javascript:alert(1) which will trigger alert. And also we want to trigger alert only when someone clicks and we want to show Click word to victim so that's why i have used text tag here.

And after entering this payload with URL encode All characters i solved the lab!